Test Bank For Digital Electronics Principles And Applications 8th Edition By Roger Tokheim
ISBN-13: 978-0073373775, ISBN-10: 007337377X
True / False Questions
- Most newly designed electronic devices contain digital circuitry.
True False
- Digital circuitry is almost always unaffected by unwanted electrical interference called noise.
True False
- A digital device is one that has a signal which varies continuously in step with the input.
True False
- The DMM is an example of digital circuitry taking over tasks previously performed only by analog devices.
True False
- Digital signals are composed of two well-defined voltage levels.
True False
- Latch circuits are sometimes called amplifiers.
True False
- A bistable multivibrator is often referred to as a clock.
True False
- The monostable multivibrator responds to an input trigger pulse with an output pulse of a given width.
True False
- The pulse width generated by a one-shot multivibrator is dependent on the design of the RC time constant.
True False
- A portable measuring device used to determine output logic levels is the analog voltmeter.
True False