Test Bank For A Guide To Designing And Implementing Local And Wide Area Networks 2nd Edition
1.The “W” in WAN stands for wide.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 2
2.Often a LAN ends when there is a change in the communications medium.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 6
3.A single LAN may use only one protocol.
ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 7
4.LANs and WANs have roots in early telegraph and telephone systems.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 27
5.The Soviets launched the first communications satellite, called Echo.
ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 12
6.LSI and VLSI chips paved the way for faster and cheaper digital devices, such as computers and computer terminals.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 15
7.In 1983 the separation of ARPANET and Milnet marked the arrival of the Internet.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 16
8.Bridges can be used to segment LANs into smaller subnetworks to improve performance by isolating network traffic, isolating network problems, and controlling access to each network.
ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 22
9.Gateways are always stand-alone devices.
ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 24